The Dinosaur Zoo

Well, here’s my latest painting!  I started thinking up a series of paintings on a dinosaur zoo.  kinda, what would Jurassic Park be like if all heck didn’t break loose!  Well this was first idea.  I like the way it came out.  I actually made a pretty big break through on my painting progress recently that really should help my abilities grow quite a bit.  So I expect some pretty cool paintings here real soon to come on out of me!  As always you can buy prints of this painting through my store The Adventure Shop.


2 thoughts on “The Dinosaur Zoo”

  1. The painting is quite nice. I have noticed that the two boys are next to the wooded post feeding the Dino. but looking down at the floor the feets are far away from the edge, which looks akward in a a-way that make you question if the boys are leaning?

  2. That’s a really good point, Keera! I never notice I did that until now… always finding ways I need to pay better attention to detail.

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