Finally A Readable Draft

This past week I finally nailed down the first truly “readable”draft of “The Unknowns.” It took four passes at it, but I think its finally in a state where I can bring others opinions in and receive feedback. I gotta tell you, it’s quite gratifying to look at what I’ve finished and see it in printed form, sitting on a table.

My thoughts on this draft are that it is essentially the story I set to tell in the very beginning. It’s both funny and scary, while feeling pretty endearing at the same time. It feels like quite a jump forward from my first pass at a finished script a few short years ago (thank you Stephen King). So, now I just have to get it into the hands of a few well trusted friends and my agent and we’ll see where things go from there. I’m so tempted to get started on the actual comic, but my better judgment tells me to wait awhile.

For now, I have a story about a boy and a monster to tell, and portraits to finish.