Grinding Down To Finish (How The End Feels The Longest)

I now have two and half weeks of work and 22 pages left to finish coloring until book 1 is complete in the Adamsville series.  For whatever reason the last month of work or so has felt like the LONGEST!  Probably just being sleepy, but one of the things with making graphic novels, as opposed to comic books or webcomics, is that the project has no real victory dance until the book is done.  These build up of little victories that can come from putting your material out on a continual basis gives you a sense of completion a bit more regualrly. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing, though I hear it’s mostly bad:


It starts to feel like this never ending journey to the end… I mean I’m weeks away and I should feel exhilarated and ready to attack ths sucker in the face, but I feel… whooped! Is this a normal thing?  I’m not sure.  My instincts told me I would have been extra energized, and I’m excited, but it just seems an odd phenomena.  Interested if others have felt the same at the end of a long project.

On other news, I am ridiculously close to the end of production. I am coloring approx. 1.6 pages a day to be done by 09/28.  Along the way I am working my way through some adjustments.  I did some redraws of faces in the early pages and have a about thirty more pages to get through some of that and then fixing the colors.  I also came to a pretty bad realization in the final sequence that Chloe’s jacket has to change from green to something different as her jacket was blending in completely with the monster’s skin tone.  So I did a fix:

I am actually pretty happy with the different color. Helps her stand out in general which is good sense she is the main focus of book 1. Downside to this is I have about half the book to go through and fix because of it. I thought I was going to be able to put these late pages behind me faster.

Good thing is that I couldn’t be more pleased with the book right now.  I have started filtering through agent names and  all for pitching the book very soon.  Hopefully the end of this year will yield some great news about the book and it’s publishing future.  So hang tight!

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