Hey everyone! Quick update. Whether we get to stretch goals or not, I wanted to add in something extra for Artist Edition backers and up. If you pledge in the $30 reward and up you will receive to 5inx5in stickers. So hopefully some cool added value for being a part of this campaign. They’ll look something like this:
The designs aren’t completely final, but that’ll be the jest of it! Gotta get some of the typeset more uniform and that sort of thing. I hope you all like them.
We’re getting close to the end of our campaign, so again just a request that you please help get the word out as best you can. If you post about it on Twitter (@michaelregina), or your blog… social media in general, let me know. I always post back, pointing people to your post.
Speaking of which, here is a nice post on the campaign at Nerdsy: http://www.nerdsy.net/6/post/2013/09/kickstart-your-week-adamsville-book-1-the-unknown.html
I hope you’re all having a great day! It’s my and I’s anniversary so we’re off to celebrate!